
Yes, we have a thing for bright orange and green...

Three of us (Brittany, Benj and I ) got together recently to participate in an architectural competition. This one was an international competition for a new student housing design in Athens, Greece. We submitted two boards and shipped them off to Greece to be judged. There were 272+/- entries from around the world. Our goal was to create a flexible and modular design that could be easily reproduced in different arrangements on various sites throughout the city. The basic concrete "pod" is repeated throughout the project but contains different functions such as dorm rooms, kitchens and gallery space. We didn't make the shortlist, but had a lot of fun doing it and plan on doing more in the future! Here's a link to the competition website www.upto35.com


Paul & Jenn said...

is benj under 35?? heeheee....j/k! looks awesome! good job!

Jamie said...

super cool! You three are a talented bunch, serious!

Tamara with a "T" said...

I love it! AND i love you.