
Uno mas...

Okay, now for one more great experience that I have had. For my Visual Communications class, I had to visit a place and sit quietly, being present in the moment, sketch, write and photograph. I chose Muir Woods near San Francisco and it was one moment that I have never felt so close to nature. It was truly humbling. Here is a bit of what I wrote....

After walking the trail that led me to this place, I sit down on the soil and lean back against the trunk of an enormous redwood tree. The earth feels heavy beneath me. The air surrounding me is filled with moisture and is silent. I cannot comprehend how deep the roots must go and how many twists and turns the must have made to hold up this forest. Everything around me is grounded. It makes me feel grounded. I continually tilt my head back and lift my chin to look up the trunks of the trees and into the beautiful canopy of leaves above me. Each time I physically lift my head, I feel something internally bowing down to the ancient lives that surround me. I feel as though I have stumbled upon a great meeting of my ancient ancestors, standing together and discussing silently the wisdom of the ages. I try to listen.


Antonio said...

Sounds like the musings of a 9th level druid. Loved the entry. I want to visit the Ents in N. Cal. too. I often listen to my trees chatter, moan, and sway from the deck. It's good to be close to nature.

angela said...

Very poetic, I'm serious. You should publish a book of your writings and thoughts someday. You have a gifted way with words.

Tamara with a "T" said...

Beautiful. Good job my lovely sister.

Burrell said...

I'm not worthy. You have a way with words that no one can match. That's why you're my sister and why I strive to be like you. *smile*


Bryan and Ana Burrell said...

Good writing, little girl. DAD

Anonymous said...

Wow! If I could only express my feelings the way you do!!!I loved that writting! I love having that connection with nature, I love you, mom