
Fall is coming...

With Fall around the corner, I wanted to post one of my favorite quotes. I think that so many of life's questions can be nswered just by simply looking at nature. As the leaves begin to turn to vibrant colors in the next coming weeks, I hope you'll think of this quote and it will make the changing leaves even more beautiful!

"Leaves teach us how to die. They teach us how to die. One wonders when men with their boasted faith in immortality will lie down as gracefully and as ripe."
-Henry David Thoreau, Walden.


Burrell said...

On the flip side, do they also teach us how to live? Every spring they bloom anew.
Thanks for sharing.
And I have booked the whole spring-time of 2011 for Europe.

Tamara with a "T" said...

That's beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I love my poetic artistic sis! Love you! Fall also brings Octoberfest...don't forget.

The Olsenaters! said...

LOVE that quote!!